We are here to give you our best knowledge about computers andother Accounting ways. We want that each person get knowledge about everyfield and specially about our faster growing IT-Fields.
So we will try our level best to give you knowledgewhatever we can provide to you.
Not only this we are here to solve all problems ofyours, related to computer Accounting and other Topics too.
We will consternate on Solvingcomputer problems and providing you the knowledge about computer programminglike C, C++, Visual Basic Programming., Windows Tips and Tricks , How toStop Hacking in your personal computer. learning about Java Scripts and othermany languages.
In this site we will not onlyteach you how to use but also going to provide you the programming codes Best ofour knowledge.
Here before, Istart sharing my knowledge with you all, I want to warn you that this siteis made for sharing knowledge for helping other, not for creating problems . Soplease help other's with the knowledge.
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Now we will start with some useful Triks.
Howto disable Enable or use System Restore for Windows
Every time you download or install a new game, application, or softwareupdate, you make changes to your computer. Sometimes that change may make yoursystem unstable. Have you ever wanted to go back to the way it was? With SystemRestore, you can.
How does System restore work?
Windows XP periodically records a snapshot of your computer. These snapshotsare called restore points. Windows XP also creates restore points at the time ofsignificant system events (such as when an application or driver is installed)or you can create and name your own restore points at any time. If you?€?veinstalled a program that has made your computer unstable, you can open systemrestore, choose a restore point, and return your computer to its previous stablestate.
How to Enable or Disable System restore?
Properties My Computer Locate System Restore tap | |
If you want turn off system restore on all drives please check enable it or if you want turn off each drive click drive and click setting. |
How to Restore windows by System Restore?
Click Start Menu > Programs > Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Restore. System Restore starts. | |
On First page click Restore my computer to an earlier time (if it is not already selected), and then click Next. | |
On the Select a Restore Point page, click the most recent system checkpoint in the | |
On this list, click a restore point list, and then click Next. A System Restore message may appear that lists configuration changes that System Restore will make. | |
Click OK. | |
Confirm Restore Point Selection, click Next. System Restore will restore the previous Windows XP, and then restarts the computer. |
Note: you must log in as Administrators member
If you want start windows normally you will use system restore in safe mode.
Restart your computer, and then press F8 during the initial startup to start your computer in Safe Mode with a command prompt. | |
Type the following command at a command prompt, and then press ENTER:%systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe |
Ihope u liked the Trick don't you, Be careful and read all post properly beforeusing practically.
howto send instant message dialog to someone on network
This method help you send a message dialog to any user on network by NET SENDcommand line.
Open command prompt by going to .. start > run > and type cmd
use command “net send”
You want to send message “hello this is test msg from IT” to computermachine name “pc1″
follow this command
net send /DOMAIN:pc1 “hello this is test msg from IT” andpress Enter
You want to send same message to everyone on the network use this command
net send * “hello this is test msg from IT”
The message will be send to everyone
You can send a message only to a name that is active on the network. If you send the message to a user name, that user must be logged on and running the Messenger service to receive the message. |
Welcometo the Visual Basic Section
Source code a collection of over 70+ visual basicsource code
VisualBasic Tutorial Summary:
Go toLesson 1 NowAbout the Development Environment | |
The project explorer windows | |
Running a form | |
Making your first *.exe | |
Understanding the tool bar | |
Introducing Source code | |
Command Button properties | |
Explanations of global modules | |
Opening an existing Visual Basic project. | |
Explore the forms and the source code behind the an existing project in design mode | |
Recognize and understand the function of the main component of the Visual Basic environment e.g.. toolbar's , toolboxes , project window, properties window and most importantly the source code window. | |
Saving your project to a file. | |
Button Properties. Go to Lesson 2 Now | |
Know what an Event is. | |
Determine what Events a control can have | |
Write code for one or more Events. | |
Using option buttons to produce an event | |
Using checkboxes to produce an event | |
Grouping controls using a frame | |
Make a simple alteration to the interface, such as changing background color, at run time. | |
Creating a list box. | |
Remove and Add list box's functions. | |
Creating Combo Boxes | |
What the different types of combo boxes are. Go to Lesson 3 Now | |
Displaying Message Boxes | |
Opening Files | |
Retrieving Information from files | |
Saving Information to files | |
Printing text to the printer In next Topic we will discuss about the different Lessons of Visual Basic. Mail me at to receive latest updates and source cods and be in touch. |
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